


6:08 PM |

Hey there Fan boy Anon Nation. Chris "The Dace Man" Dace back with another article you guys can sink your fingers in. I realize I may not reach a wide audience...yet...but I felt since It's black Friday and all it's my duty to break down the greatest Christmas special of all time....OF ALL TIME! The Year Without A Santa Claus the greatest holiday special of all time, if you think
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6:08 PM |

Hey there Fan boy Anon Nation. Chris "The Dace Man" Dace back with another article you guys can sink your fingers in. I realize I may not reach a wide audience...yet...but I felt since It's black Friday and all it's my duty to break down the greatest Christmas special of all time....OF ALL TIME! The Year Without A Santa Claus the greatest holiday special of all time, if you think
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The Year Without a Santa Claus - Review

6:08 PM |

Hey there Fan boy Anon Nation. Chris "The Dace Man" Dace back with another article you guys can sink your fingers in. I realize I may not reach a wide audience...yet...but I felt since It's black Friday and all it's my duty to break down the greatest Christmas special of all time....OF ALL TIME! The Year Without A Santa Claus the greatest holiday special of all time, if you think
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Uncanny Avengers Issue #1 - Review

6:07 PM |

Hey there fellow Comic Nerds. Sorry for my delayed reports on comics it's been a while I know, but, The Dace Man is back and today we're breaking down Uncanny Avengers Issue #1. Hot off the tails of the epic battle between the X-Men and the Avengers it's time for Earth's Mightiest Heroes to start a new. With the tragic events of AvX both the X-Men and Avengers teams are broken. Cap goes...
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Person of Interest is Like Batman - Comparisons

6:06 PM |

I've been a fan of the television show Person of Interest since it's inception and it didn't take me long to figure out why. Person of Interest draws many comparisons to the Batman character - some obvious, some a little more subtle. For those unaware, Person of Interest was created by Jonathan Nolan, who helped write The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises with his brother, director Christopher...
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